FLOWER GARDEN OBJECTIVE OF FLOWER GARDEN: Get all cards onto the foundations by suit from Ace to King NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1 player NUMBER OF CARDS: 52 cards RANK OF CARDS: (low) Ace – King (high) TYPE OF GAME: Solitaire AUDIENCE: Adults INTRODUCTION OF FLOWER GARDEN Flower Garden is a foundation building solitaire game that begins with the entire deck being dealt out. Foundations begin with the Ace and must be uncovered from the garden (tableau) or bouquet (reserve). Players have a 50% chance of winning this game. THE CARDS & THE LAYOUT Flower Garden uses a standard 52 card French deck. Begin by dealing out the garden which is made of six columns with six cards each. The cards are overlapping in the columns. The remaining sixteen cards are spread out in a row to form the bouquet. All cards are dealt face up. THE PLAY Foundations begin with the Aces, and must be uncovered from the layout. Place founda...